This software is released under the GNU General Public
License. This means that you can use it and modify it as you
like, but if you wish to redistribute it, you must do so under the
same terms and conditions. I would also be grateful if you could
comply with the following voluntary requests:
- If PerlGP is useful to you, please acknowledge this in the
appropriate form: i.e. a web link or a citation to the up-coming
EuroGP 2003 paper (preprint available on request).
- Please do not use PerlGP in weapons research.
- If you are a regular user, please send me
your email address and I can keep you informed of updates and news.
Your address will not be passed to anyone of course.
Download the latest library and demos using the uppermost link in the
list below. System
requirements, and installation instructions can be found in the documentation area. The .zip file is provided as an
alternative, but note that the system has not yet been tested in, for
example, ActiveState Perl. CVS access will be made available in the
future if there is demand for it.
Have fun, and good luck...
Current release
Previous releases